Sunday, May 10, 2009


After take off
1.) At 450 feet turn off fuel pump
2.) Check for traffic with full scan
3.) Turn left into crosswind leg and climb to 1000 feet
4.) Straight and level at 1000 feet
5.) Check for traffic with full scan
6.) Turn left into downwind leg
7.) Radio Call
8.) Pre-Landing Checks
B = Check brakes for pressure, and ensure park break is off
U = Check undercarriage is down
M = Check mixture is rich (up on Warrior)
F = Check fuel selection, contents, turn FUEL PUMP is on and check pressures
H = Check hatches and harnesses are secure
C = Turn Carb Heat on
9.) Turn left into base leg
10.) Reduce Speed
11.) Aim for 750ft
12.) Two stages of flaps (watch for ballooning effect by applying forward pressure)
13.) Turn left into final
14.) Apply full flap
15.) Trickle down power when over fence line
16.) Flair aircraft and commence landing


Things to pay attention to when practicing stalls.

(H)eight - over 3000 Feet AGL after recovery, aim for 3500 before commencing stall
(A)rea and (A)irframe - Do not practice over populated areas
(S)ecure - Loose articles and Check all harnesses and latches
(E)ngine - Check oil temperatures and pressures are in the green, T&Ps, Fuel Pump and Carb Heat on
(L)ookout - 360 degree turn for first stall, then 90 degree turns for all others.

Implications of pending stall

Buffeting of airframe
Stall Warning sound
Low Air Speed
High Angle of Attack

Stall Types

With and without power
Flaps On
Full Power


Do not recover wing drop with ailerons, always use opposite rudder
Lower nose by reducing back pressure on control column
With power on stalls reduce power in stall otherwise increase in airspeed will occur, re-apply power when coming out of the stall.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Moorabin Radio Calls

Example of radio calls

Moorabbin Tower "Call Sign" is ready "Runway" Left or Right" Received "Designator" for the Training Area Dual.

For example to take off in CXF on Runway 35 Right with November as the designator for the training area would be

Take Off Call
> Moorabbin Tower "Charlie Xray Foxtrot" is ready "Three Five Right" Received "November" for the training area dual.

Inbound Call
> Moorabbin Tower Charlie Xray Foxtrol a Warrior Carrum One Thousand Five Hundred received November In Bound

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moorabin Radio Frequencies & Runway Info

ATIS 120.9
Ground 119.9
East Tower 118.1
West Tower 123.0

17L East Tower 118.1
35R East Tower 118.1
22 East Tower 118.1
17R West Tower 123.0
35R West Tower 123.0
04 West Tower 123.0